While working on a personal project for setting up a basic data pipeline, described here, I ran into an issue where psycopg2 library was not available on AWS Lambda. My lambda function uses this library to access data stored in an PostgreSQL RDS instance. It is understandable that AMI image does not include libraries such as psycopg2, it is the lambda function developer’s job to include any dependency libraries that the lambda function needs. AWS provides documentation here on deploying lambda functions with dependency libraries that are not available in the AMI image.

In this blog post, I start with the method outlined in the AWS documentation on Lambda deployment package, describe issues encountered and the steps I took to resolve the issues.

1. Create deployment package as described in AWS documentation

In this section, we follow the instructions as outlined in the AWS documentation mentioned above. We use the virtual environment method.

Setup python virtual environment on development machine

On your development machine (Mac in our case), create a python virtual environment (we are using python 3.7.3, the latest version available at the time of writing). In this post, we are assuming you will create the virtual environment directory under your home directory.

$ python3.7 -m venv my_venv

Activate the virtual environment

$ source my_venv/bin/activate

Install psycopg2 library in the virtual environment. Although there are many libraries available for accessing postgreSQL from python, psycopg2 is the most widely used.

$ pip install psycopg2

Create python lambda function script

Create a directory that will be used to hold the lambda script and dependency library:

$ mkdir pypg_lambda

In the directory, create a file to hold your lambda script:

$ cd pypg_lambda
$ touch my_lambda.py

Add following as contents of the file my_lambda.py:


import sys
import logging
import psycopg2
import json
import os

# rds settings
rds_host  = os.environ.get('RDS_HOST')
rds_username = os.environ.get('RDS_USERNAME')
rds_user_pwd = os.environ.get('RDS_USER_PWD')
rds_db_name = os.environ.get('RDS_DB_NAME')

logger = logging.getLogger()

    conn_string = "host=%s user=%s password=%s dbname=%s" % \
                    (rds_host, rds_username, rds_user_pwd, rds_db_name)
    conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
    logger.error("ERROR: Could not connect to Postgres instance.")

logger.info("SUCCESS: Connection to RDS Postgres instance succeeded")

def handler(event, context):

    query = """select id, name, job_title
            from employee
            order by 1"""

    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        rows = []
        for row in cur:

    return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': rows }

The above file is an example of a very simple lambda function that fetches rows from a table and returns them when the lambda function is invoked. This program has been adapted from code sample in this tutorial in AWS Lambda documentation.

You need to create a AWS RDS PostgreSQL instance with a database mydatabase. In this database, a table employee needs to be created.

-- Employee table

CREATE TABLE employee (
  id        INTEGER     NOT NULL,
  name      VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
  job_title VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,

Insert a few rows into the employee table:

INSERT INTO employee(id, name, job_title) VALUES
    (1, 'Jack', 'Software Engineer'),
    (2, 'Jill', 'Senior Software Engineer'),
    (3, 'Joe', 'Engineering Manager');

Create deployment package

Enter pypg_lambda directory (if not already there):

$ cd pypg_lambda

Copy the psycopg2 package installed within the virtual environment to pypg_lambda directory:

$ cp -r ~/my_venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/psycopg2 .

As mentioned previously, we created the virtual environment in the home directory of our development machine. Modify the cp command to suit your directory’s location.

Create the deployment package zip archive:

$ zip -r ../my_lambda.zip .

Create lambda function using the deployment package

Set environment variables related to RDS database instance

$ export RDS_HOST=<database host url>
$ export RDS_USERNAME=<username>
$ export RDS_USER_PWD=<password>
$ export RDS_DB_NAME=mydatabase

Set environment variables related to VPC for use with aws cli command. We can avoid this step by directly typing the details into the aws command. But setting these details as environment variables makes entering the command less tedious.

$ export role_arn=<AWS role arn>
$ export subnet_ids="subnet-xxxxxx,subnet-xxxxxx,..."  # comma separated list
$ export sec_group_id=<security group id>

Create the lambda function:

$ aws lambda create-function --region "us-east-1" \
    --function-name "mylambda"       \
    --zip-file fileb://mylambda.zip  \
    --handler "my_lambda.handler"     \
    --role "${role_arn}"             \
    --runtime "python3.7"            \
    --timeout 60                     \
    --vpc-config SubnetIds="${subnet_ids}",SecurityGroupIds="${sec_group_id}" \
    --environment Variables="{RDS_HOST=${RDS_HOST},           \
                              RDS_USERNAME=${RDS_USERNAME},   \
                              RDS_USER_PWD=${RDS_USER_PWD},   \

Invoke the lambda function:

$ aws lambda invoke --function-name mylambda  ~/lambda_output.txt

Following error is encountered on invocation of the lambda function:

Unable to import module 'mylambda': No module named 'psycopg2._psycopg'

The psycopg2 folder under the deployment package folder on our machine contains the following library:


To explore the possibility that lambda function is looking for _psycopg.so file, we rename the file:

mv _psycopg.cpython-37m-darwin.so _psycopg.so

And redeploy the lambda function:

  • Copy the psycopg2 directory from the virtual environment to pypg_lambda directory
  • Create a new zip archive from the deployment package folder pypg_lambda
  • Delete lambda function using AWS interface
  • Use aws lambda create-function to deploy using the updated deployment package

Invoked lambda function again, this time the following error is encountered:

Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'mylambda': /var/task/psycopg2/_psycopg.so: invalid ELF header

We describe how we resolved this error in the next section.

2. Resolving “invalid ELF header” error


As suggested here and here, the “invalid ELF header” error happens due to a mismatch between the machine where the lambda function deployment package is created and the machine where the lambda function is executed. We built the deployment package on a Mac, whereas the execution environment is AWS Lambda’s environment, which is the Amazon Linux AMI.

To remove the mismatch, we need to create the deployment package in the same envionment as the AWS Lambda function runs in. The simplest approach is to spin up an EC2 instance, install psycopg2 library in a virtual environment there. Described below are steps we followed to do this:

Create an EC2 instance and connect to it

Launch an EC2 instance on AWS and connect to the instance (replace with the ip address of your instance):

$ ssh -i <aws-key-file> ec2-user@

Setting up virtual environment on an EC2 instance

Python3 is not available on Amazon Linux, so we need to install it. The following commands will install python3 and other dependencies needed for creating a virtual environment and installing pyscopg2 within the virtual environment. We are also installing the C compiler here, which we need in a later step:

$ sudo yum install python3
$ sudo yum install gcc python-setuptools python-devel python3-devel
$ sudo yum install postgresql-devel

The above installs python 3.7.3, which is the latest version available at the time of writing.

As described in the previous section, create a virtual environment, activate it and install psycopg2 library:

$ python3 -m venv my_venv
$ source my_venv/bin/activate
$ pip install psycopg2

We now have the psycopg2 package file we need in the virtual environment. You need to copy the package from the EC2 instance to your development machine.

Clean up you deployment package working directory pypg_lambda:

$ cd pypg_lambda
$ rm -r psycopg2

Run the following command on your development machine to copy the package directory to the local machine:

$ scp -r -i <aws-key-file> \
    ec2-user@ .

Create zip archive:

$ zip -r ../my_lambda.zip .

Create the lambda function and invoke it

Create the lambda function using the aws lambda create-function command as shown previously and invoke it.

A different error encountered

Running the lambda function generates the following error:

Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'mylambda': libpq.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

While we are still encountering an error, we are no longer running into the “invalid ELF header”. So we can consider the “invalid ELF header” error to be resolved and let’s work on resolving the new error.

3. Resolving “libpq.so.x cannot open shared object file” error


Searching for solutions to the “cannot open shared object file” error lead us to this post on AWS forums. This forum post also provides a link to this Github project (we will refer to the Github project by its owner’s name, Jeff Kehler, in rest of this post).

The solution requires us to link the libpq.so library statically, which in turn requires us to build postgreSQL and psycopg2 from source code.

We pick the following versions of postgreSQL and psycopg2 to build from source code:

  • picked 10.0.0 version of postgreSQL, since this is the version used by Amazon RDS instance
  • picked 2.8.3 version of psycopg2, since this is the latest version available at the time of writing. I like to start with the latest version and see if it works. Then work backwards to go to older version if more recent versions don’t work.

We download source code for postgreSQL and psycopg2 from the following locations:

Upload source packages to the EC2 instance:

$ scp -i <aws-key-file> postgresql-10.0.tar ec2-user@
$ scp -i <aws-key-file> psycopg2-2.8.3.tar ec2-user@

Once again, we will be working in the home directory on the EC2 instance. The above commands copied the source code tar archives to EC2 instance’s home directory.

SSH into your EC2 instance and follow the steps below (as outlined in the Jeff Kehler project).

Compiling postgresql from source code

Extract the files from postgreSQL tar package:

$ tar -xf postgresql-10.0.tar 

Enter the extracted postgresql source directory:

$ cd postgresql-10.0

Run the following three commands:

$ ./configure --prefix `pwd` --without-readline --without-zlib

In the above command, the argument provided to the prefix option is the absolute path of the postgreSQL source directory. You can type the path (/home/ec2-user/postgresql-10.0) or simply use `pwd` since we are already located in that directory.

$ make
$ make install

Next, build psycopg2 from source code. Once again, the instructions are as outlined in the Jeff Kehler project.

Compiling psycopg2 from source code and statically linking

Extract the files from psycopg2 tar package:

$ tar -xf psycopg2-2.8.3

Enter the extracted psycopg2 source directory:

$ cd psycopg2-2.8.3

Edit setup.cfg file and make following changes:

  • set pg_config to pg_config file under postgresql source directory that was created there when postgresql was built from source code
  • set static_libpq to 1

On our EC2 instance, the modified lines of setup.cfg look like:

pg_config = /home/ec2-user/postgresql-10.0/bin/pg_config
static_libpq = 1

Build the library:

$ python3 setup.py build

After completion, a build directory will be created under the psycopg-2.8.3 directory. Under the build folder there will be folder with name similar to lib.linux-x86_64-3.7. Under this folder there will be a folder psycopg2, which is the package we need.

Go back to your development machine and clean up the previous psycopg2 directory:

$ cd pypg_lambda
$ rm -r psycopg2

Copy the psycopg2 directory from the EC2 instance to your development machine. Enter the following command on your development machine:

$ scp -r -i <aws-key-file> \
    ec2-user@ .

Note: the Jeff Kehler project contains ready-to-use psycopg2 library build for AMI image. Since the Github repository is about 2 years old, the package is built to work with python 3.6. If you are using python 3.6 for the lambda function, you can download the psycopg2 directory from the project without having to build postgresql and pyscopg2 from source code. Since we decided to use the latest python version (3.7 as of this writing), we had to build the library from source code ourselves. (Update, February 2021: Jeff Kehler project now contains pre-built psycopg2 libraries for python 3.7 and 3.8 now.)

Create the lambda function and invoke it

As described in the sections above, create the deployment package zip archive, create the lambda function using the deployment package and invoke the lambda function.


We taste success on our third attempt. The lamdba function invocation runs successfully and returns with the expected results:

    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": [
                [1, "Jack", "Software Engineer"],
                [2, "Jill", "Senior Software Engineer"],
                [3, "Joe", "Engineering Manager"]
